Class MOXodusPersistence

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MOXodusPersistence extends Object implements
The MOXodusPersistence class provides persistent storage for SNMP4J-Agent using the MOXodusPersistenceProvider wrapper that actually implements the MOPersistenceProvider interface of SNMP4J-Agent. As storage engine, the Xodus open source (Apache 2 License) DB is used. See} for details. The database approach has the following advantages compared to the standard sequential persistence provider coming with SNMP4J-Agent:
  • Only changed objects are written again to disk. The default DefaultMOPersistenceProvider needs to save all objects in a sequence.
  • DB size is smaller - if changes are limited to approximately less than 40% of the MIB objects during runtime.
  • Agent shutdown is much faster because no objects need to be saved anymore.
  • No data loss if agent is killed.
The following sample code from SampleAgent illustrates how this class is created and assigned to the agent during its initialization.
     File configFile = new File(myConfigDir);
     MOXodusPersistence moXodusPersistence = new MOXodusPersistence(moServers, Environments.newInstance(configFile));
     MOXodusPersistenceProvider moXodusPersistenceProvider = new MOXodusPersistenceProvider(moXodusPersistence);
     OctetString defaultEngineID = new OctetString(MPv3.createLocalEngineID());
     OctetString engineID = moXodusPersistenceProvider.getEngineId(defaultEngineID);
     agent = new AgentConfigManager(engineID, messageDispatcher, null, moServers, ThreadPool.create("SampleAgent", 3),
                                    (defaultEngineID == engineID) ? configurationFactory : null,
                                    new EngineBootsCounterFile(bootCounterFile), null, dhKickstartParameters);
     agent.addAgentStateListener(new AgentStateListener() {
         public void agentStateChanged(AgentConfigManager agentConfigManager, AgentState newState) {
             switch (newState.getState()) {
                 case AgentState.STATE_INITIALIZED:
                 case AgentState.STATE_SHUTDOWN:

Frank Fock
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
    The MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy defines how and when persistent data is saved.
  • Constructor Summary

    MOXodusPersistence(org.snmp4j.agent.MOServer[] moServers, jetbrains.exodus.env.Environment environment)
    Creates a new MOXodusPersistence from an array of MOServer instances and an Xodus Environment.
    MOXodusPersistence(org.snmp4j.agent.MOServer[] moServers, jetbrains.exodus.env.Environment environment, MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy savingStrategy)
    Creates a new MOXodusPersistence from an array of MOServer instances and an Xodus Environment.
    MOXodusPersistence(org.snmp4j.agent.MOServer[] moServers, jetbrains.exodus.env.Environment environment, MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy savingStrategy, org.snmp4j.agent.MOScopeComparator moScopeComparator)
    Creates a new MOXodusPersistence from an array of MOServer instances and an Xodus Environment.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    afterMOChange( changeEvent)
    A change has been committed.
    afterPrepareMOChange( changeEvent)
    A change has been prepared.
    beforeMOChange( changeEvent)
    A ManagedObject change is being committed.
    beforePrepareMOChange( changeEvent)
    A ManagedObject change is being prepared.
    protected jetbrains.exodus.env.Store
    createStore(jetbrains.exodus.env.Transaction txn, org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString context)
    Ceates a Store for a context.
    static int[]
    decodeIndexOID(org.snmp4j.asn1.BERInputStream is, org.snmp4j.asn1.BER.MutableByte type)
    Decode a index OID from a BER input stream.
    protected List<org.snmp4j.smi.VariableBinding>
    decodeInstanceData(jetbrains.exodus.ByteIterable rawData)
    Decode BER instance data from raw byte stream.
    protected org.snmp4j.smi.VariableBinding
    decodeVariableBinding(org.snmp4j.asn1.BERInputStream inputStream)
    Decode a VariableBinding from an BERInputStream.
    static void
    encodeIndexOID(OutputStream os, byte type, int[] oid)
    Encodes an index OID.
    protected byte[]
    encodeInstanceData(List<org.snmp4j.smi.VariableBinding> vbs)
    Encode instance data from a list of VariableBindings.
    protected void
    encodeVariableBinding(org.snmp4j.smi.VariableBinding vb, org.snmp4j.asn1.BEROutputStream outputStream)
    Encode a VariableBinding to a BEROutputStream.
    protected Set<org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString>
    getContexts(org.snmp4j.agent.ManagedObject<?> managedObject)
    Get the contexts registered with all MOServer for the given ManagedObject.
    Gets the Xodus Environment used by this persistent probvider.
    static int
    getIndexOIDLength(int[] value)
    Get the index OID length from a index OID raw value.
    protected jetbrains.exodus.ByteIterable
    getKey(org.snmp4j.smi.OID oid, org.snmp4j.smi.OID instanceID)
    Gets the key for an OID and instance ID.
    protected org.snmp4j.smi.OID
    getKeyOid(jetbrains.exodus.ByteIterable key)
    Gets the OID of a key.
    Gets the MOScopeComparator that defines the default order in which ManagedObjects are stored and restored from persistent storage (unless the parameter MOPriorityProvider is used).
    Get the associated MOServers.
    Gets the current exception list for keeping RandomAccessManagedObjects persistent regardless their RandomAccessManagedObject.isVolatile() value or not.
    Gets the saving strategy as defined by MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy.
    isContextLoadable(org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString context)
    Checks if there is already MIB data stored for the specified context.
    Return true if the registerChangeListenersWithServer(MOServer) for any server, but unregisterChangeListenersWithServer(MOServer) has not been called yet.
    Check whether change listener events are actually suppressed (i.e.
    load( importMode)
    load( importMode, priorityProvider)
    Load the contents of all RandomAccessManagedObjects using RandomAccessManagedObject.importInstance(OID, List, ImportMode) calls.
    load( importMode, priorityProvider, boolean includeVolatile)
    Load the contents of all RandomAccessManagedObjects using RandomAccessManagedObject.importInstance(OID, List, ImportMode) calls.
    registerChangeListenersWithServer(org.snmp4j.agent.MOServer moServer)
    Register this object as MOChangeListener on all RandomAccessManagedObject instances in the provided MOServer.
    protected void
    runSynchronization(Map<org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString,jetbrains.exodus.env.Store> stores, jetbrains.exodus.env.Transaction txn, importMode, Iterator<Map.Entry<org.snmp4j.agent.MOScope,org.snmp4j.agent.ManagedObject<?>>> moIterator, boolean includeVolatile)
    Run synchronisation between in memory data and on disk data.
    protected org.snmp4j.agent.ManagedObject<?>
    runSyncOnBootMO(jetbrains.exodus.env.Transaction txn, org.snmp4j.agent.MOServer moServer, Map<org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString,jetbrains.exodus.env.Store> stores, importMode, priorityProvider, org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString context)
    Run synchronisation on the boot ManagedObject (i.e.
    Saves the data of the MOServers associated with this instance to persistent storage depending on the currently configured MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy.
    save( priorityProvider)
    Saves the data of the MOServers associated with this instance to persistent storage depending on the currently configured MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy.
    saveFullDump( priorityProvider, boolean includeVolatile)
    Saves the data of the MOServers associated with this instance to persistent storage independent of the currently set MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy.
    setIgnoreChangeListenerEvents(boolean ignoreChangeListenerEvents)
    Defines whether MOChangeEvents should be ignored or not.
    setMoScopeComparator(org.snmp4j.agent.MOScopeComparator moScopeComparator)
    Sets the MOScopeComparator and by this defines the default order in which ManagedObjects are stored and restored from persistent storage as long as parameter MOPriorityProvider of save(MOPriorityProvider) and load(ImportMode, MOPriorityProvider) are not used.
    setPersistenceExceptionList(Map<org.snmp4j.smi.OID,Boolean> persistenceExceptionList)
    Sets the current exception list for keeping RandomAccessManagedObjects persistent regardless their RandomAccessManagedObject.isVolatile() value or not.
    Sets the saving strategy for this persistence provider as defined by MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy.
    protected String
    storeNameFromContext(org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString context)
    Return a string store name for the provided SNMPv3 context.
    unregisterChangeListenersWithServer(org.snmp4j.agent.MOServer moServer)
    Removes a former registration of this object as MOChangeListener on all RandomAccessManagedObject instances in the provided MOServer.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • MOXodusPersistence

      public MOXodusPersistence(org.snmp4j.agent.MOServer[] moServers, jetbrains.exodus.env.Environment environment)
      Creates a new MOXodusPersistence from an array of MOServer instances and an Xodus Environment. The data of modified objects are stored whenever a corresponding MOChangeEvent is received.
      moServers - the ManagedObject servers of the agent to be supported with persistent storage capabilities by this object.
      environment - the Xodus environment that actually holds the persistent data.
    • MOXodusPersistence

      public MOXodusPersistence(org.snmp4j.agent.MOServer[] moServers, jetbrains.exodus.env.Environment environment, MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy savingStrategy)
      Creates a new MOXodusPersistence from an array of MOServer instances and an Xodus Environment.
      moServers - the ManagedObject servers of the agent to be supported with persistent storage capabilities by this object.
      environment - the Xodus environment that actually holds the persistent data.
      savingStrategy - defines when and how modified objects of the agent should be saved into persistent storage.
    • MOXodusPersistence

      public MOXodusPersistence(org.snmp4j.agent.MOServer[] moServers, jetbrains.exodus.env.Environment environment, MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy savingStrategy, org.snmp4j.agent.MOScopeComparator moScopeComparator)
      Creates a new MOXodusPersistence from an array of MOServer instances and an Xodus Environment.
      moServers - the ManagedObject servers of the agent to be supported with persistent storage capabilities by this object.
      environment - the Xodus environment that actually holds the persistent data.
      savingStrategy - defines when and how modified objects of the agent should be saved into persistent storage.
      moScopeComparator - defines the order in which ManagedObjects are stored and restored from persistent storage. If null, the MOScopeComparator is used that sorts the registered managed objects by their lower bound OID in ascending order.
  • Method Details

    • getSavingStrategy

      public MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy getSavingStrategy()
      Gets the saving strategy as defined by MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy.
      the current managed object saving strategy.
    • setSavingStrategy

      public void setSavingStrategy(MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy savingStrategy)
      Sets the saving strategy for this persistence provider as defined by MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy.
      savingStrategy - the new managed object saving strategy.
    • isIgnoreChangeListenerEvents

      public boolean isIgnoreChangeListenerEvents()
      Check whether change listener events are actually suppressed (i.e. ignored) or not.
      true if change listener events will be ignored.
    • setIgnoreChangeListenerEvents

      public void setIgnoreChangeListenerEvents(boolean ignoreChangeListenerEvents)
      Defines whether MOChangeEvents should be ignored or not. This method can be used to disable persistent storage activities when the default strategy MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy.onChangeEventsOnly is active and other bulk operations change MIB data in the agent. When activating the processing of MOChangeEvents is activated again by setting this value to false, the missed events will not be processed again. Thus, if data has changed that need to be persistent, the save() has to be called with strategy MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy.checkForModificationsOnSave or MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy.fullDumpOnSave manually.
      ignoreChangeListenerEvents - true to disable event processing and saving changes triggered by MOChangeEvents.
    • getEnvironment

      public jetbrains.exodus.env.Environment getEnvironment()
      Gets the Xodus Environment used by this persistent probvider.
      a Environment.
    • isContinuousChangeListening

      public boolean isContinuousChangeListening()
      Return true if the registerChangeListenersWithServer(MOServer) for any server, but unregisterChangeListenersWithServer(MOServer) has not been called yet.
      true if the registerChangeListenersWithServer(MOServer) for any server.
    • registerChangeListenersWithServer

      public void registerChangeListenersWithServer(org.snmp4j.agent.MOServer moServer)
      Register this object as MOChangeListener on all RandomAccessManagedObject instances in the provided MOServer.
      moServer - a MOServer holding RandomAccessManagedObjects that should be persisted.
    • unregisterChangeListenersWithServer

      public void unregisterChangeListenersWithServer(org.snmp4j.agent.MOServer moServer)
      Removes a former registration of this object as MOChangeListener on all RandomAccessManagedObject instances in the provided MOServer.
      moServer - a MOServer holding RandomAccessManagedObjects that should not be persisted anymore.
    • isContextLoadable

      public boolean isContextLoadable(org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString context)
      Checks if there is already MIB data stored for the specified context. To check the default context (null), please use the empty OctetString. This method should be called before calling load(ImportMode) because afterwards it will return true for all contexts that were present in getMOServer() and for the default context (empty context).
      context - a non-null context string. The empty (zero length) OctetString represents the default context.
      true if there has been data stored for this context - even if no RandomAccessManagedObject actually has stored any data.
    • load

      public void load( importMode)
    • load

      public void load( importMode, priorityProvider)
      Load the contents of all RandomAccessManagedObjects using RandomAccessManagedObject.importInstance(OID, List, ImportMode) calls. The provided ImportMode thereby defines how the data handles existing data. Data is loaded for all contexts and managed objects found in the {link MOServer} instances provided during object creation. While loading, the member ignoreChangeListenerEvents is set to true to ignore updates caused by loading data into the RandomAccessManagedObject instances. Use setMoScopeComparator(MOScopeComparator) to modify the order in which ManagedObjects are loaded. Since version 3.5.0, objects are loaded in the order defined by the MOPriorityProvider given in order to facilitate loading and especially initialization of ManagedObjects that augment or extend base tables or depend on each other. For each context, a load order defined by the content of single boot ManagedObject can be defined. In most cases, a single order defined in the default (null) context is sufficient.
      importMode - controls how existing data is used or not used during import.
      priorityProvider - if not null, it provides the order for loading and initializing managed objects by MOPriorityProvider.getPriorityMap(OctetString).
    • load

      public void load( importMode, priorityProvider, boolean includeVolatile)
      Load the contents of all RandomAccessManagedObjects using RandomAccessManagedObject.importInstance(OID, List, ImportMode) calls. The provided ImportMode thereby defines how the data handles existing data. Data is loaded for all contexts and managed objects found in the {link MOServer} instances provided during object creation. While loading, the member ignoreChangeListenerEvents is set to true to ignore updates caused by loading data into the RandomAccessManagedObject instances. Use setMoScopeComparator(MOScopeComparator) to modify the order in which ManagedObjects are loaded. Since version 3.5.0, objects are loaded in the order defined by the MOPriorityProvider given in order to facilitate loading and especially initialization of ManagedObjects that augment or extend base tables or depend on each other. For each context, a load order defined by the content of single boot ManagedObject can be defined. In most cases, a single order defined in the default (null) context is sufficient.
      importMode - controls how existing data is used or not used during import.
      priorityProvider - if not null, it provides the order for loading and initializing managed objects by MOPriorityProvider.getPriorityMap(OctetString).
      includeVolatile - if true, RandomAccessManagedObjects with RandomAccessManagedObject.isVolatile() true will be saved too, otherwise those objects will not be saved.
    • runSyncOnBootMO

      protected org.snmp4j.agent.ManagedObject<?> runSyncOnBootMO(jetbrains.exodus.env.Transaction txn, org.snmp4j.agent.MOServer moServer, Map<org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString,jetbrains.exodus.env.Store> stores, importMode, priorityProvider, org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString context)
      Run synchronisation on the boot ManagedObject (i.e. the ManagedObject restored before any other.
      txn - the Transaction.
      moServer - the MOServer.
      stores - the stores containing the persistent data.
      importMode - the ImportMode to be used.
      priorityProvider - the MOPriorityProvider that defines the restore priorities.
      context - the context to restore
      the boot ManagedObject.
    • createStore

      protected jetbrains.exodus.env.Store createStore(jetbrains.exodus.env.Transaction txn, org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString context)
      Ceates a Store for a context.
      txn - the Transaction.
      context - the context.
      a new opened Store;
    • storeNameFromContext

      protected String storeNameFromContext(org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString context)
      Return a string store name for the provided SNMPv3 context.
      context - a context name or null for the default context.
      a store name, by default context == null ? "" : context.toHexString().
    • getMOServer

      public org.snmp4j.agent.MOServer[] getMOServer()
      Get the associated MOServers.
      an array of MOServer instances.
    • getMoScopeComparator

      public org.snmp4j.agent.MOScopeComparator getMoScopeComparator()
      Gets the MOScopeComparator that defines the default order in which ManagedObjects are stored and restored from persistent storage (unless the parameter MOPriorityProvider is used).
      a MOScopeComparator instance.
    • setMoScopeComparator

      public void setMoScopeComparator(org.snmp4j.agent.MOScopeComparator moScopeComparator)
      Sets the MOScopeComparator and by this defines the default order in which ManagedObjects are stored and restored from persistent storage as long as parameter MOPriorityProvider of save(MOPriorityProvider) and load(ImportMode, MOPriorityProvider) are not used. If set to null, the MOScopeComparator is used that sorts the registered managed objects by their lower bound OID in ascending order.
      moScopeComparator - defines the order in which ManagedObjects are stored and restored from persistent storage. If null, the MOScopeComparator is used that sorts the registered managed objects by their lower bound OID in ascending order.
    • runSynchronization

      protected void runSynchronization(Map<org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString,jetbrains.exodus.env.Store> stores, jetbrains.exodus.env.Transaction txn, importMode, Iterator<Map.Entry<org.snmp4j.agent.MOScope,org.snmp4j.agent.ManagedObject<?>>> moIterator, boolean includeVolatile)
      Run synchronisation between in memory data and on disk data.
      stores - the context stores.
      txn - the Transaction.
      importMode - the import mode to use.
      moIterator - the object iterator over the ManagedObjects to be synchronized.
      includeVolatile - if true, RandomAccessManagedObjects with RandomAccessManagedObject.isVolatile() true will be saved too, otherwise those objects will not be saved.
    • decodeInstanceData

      protected List<org.snmp4j.smi.VariableBinding> decodeInstanceData(jetbrains.exodus.ByteIterable rawData)
      Decode BER instance data from raw byte stream.
      rawData - the BER encoded data.
      the decoded list of VariableBindings.
    • encodeInstanceData

      protected byte[] encodeInstanceData(List<org.snmp4j.smi.VariableBinding> vbs)
      Encode instance data from a list of VariableBindings.
      vbs - a list of VariableBindings.
      a BER encoded byte array.
    • decodeVariableBinding

      protected org.snmp4j.smi.VariableBinding decodeVariableBinding(org.snmp4j.asn1.BERInputStream inputStream) throws IOException
      Decode a VariableBinding from an BERInputStream.
      inputStream - the BERInputStream
      the decoded VariableBinding.
      IOException - if BER encoding is wrong.
    • encodeVariableBinding

      protected void encodeVariableBinding(org.snmp4j.smi.VariableBinding vb, org.snmp4j.asn1.BEROutputStream outputStream) throws IOException
      Encode a VariableBinding to a BEROutputStream.
      vb - a VariableBinding.
      outputStream - a BEROutputStream.
      IOException - on a buffer overflow.
    • getKey

      protected jetbrains.exodus.ByteIterable getKey(org.snmp4j.smi.OID oid, org.snmp4j.smi.OID instanceID)
      Gets the key for an OID and instance ID.
      oid - a OID.
      instanceID - an instance ID.
      a byte stream encoded unique key.
    • getKeyOid

      protected org.snmp4j.smi.OID getKeyOid(jetbrains.exodus.ByteIterable key)
      Gets the OID of a key.
      key - a byte stream containing a key.
      the OID portion of the key.
    • save

      public void save()
      Saves the data of the MOServers associated with this instance to persistent storage depending on the currently configured MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy. If that strategy is MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy.onChangeEventsOnly, calling this method will have no effect, except that it sets setIgnoreChangeListenerEvents(boolean) to false in any case. Use setMoScopeComparator(MOScopeComparator) to modify the order in which ManagedObjects are stored.
    • save

      public void save( priorityProvider)
      Saves the data of the MOServers associated with this instance to persistent storage depending on the currently configured MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy. If that strategy is MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy.onChangeEventsOnly, calling this method will have no effect, except that it sets setIgnoreChangeListenerEvents(boolean) to false in any case. Use setMoScopeComparator(MOScopeComparator) to modify the order in which ManagedObjects are stored. Since version 3.5.0, objects are saved in the order defined by the MOPriorityProvider given in order to facilitate saving of ManagedObjects that augment or extend base tables or depend on each other.
      priorityProvider - if not null, it provides the order for saving the managed objects by MOPriorityProvider.getPriorityMap(OctetString).
    • saveFullDump

      public void saveFullDump( priorityProvider, boolean includeVolatile)
      Saves the data of the MOServers associated with this instance to persistent storage independent of the currently set MOXodusPersistence.SavingStrategy. In other words, any non-volatile ManagedObject will be saved to persistent storage.
      priorityProvider - if not null, it provides the order for saving the managed objects by MOPriorityProvider.getPriorityMap(OctetString).
      includeVolatile - if true, RandomAccessManagedObjects with RandomAccessManagedObject.isVolatile() true will be saved too, otherwise those objects will not be saved.
    • encodeIndexOID

      public static void encodeIndexOID(OutputStream os, byte type, int[] oid) throws IOException
      Encodes an index OID.
      os - the BEROutputStream to encode to.
      type - the type of the index OID (i.e. OID.getSyntax().
      oid - the OID value to encode.
      IOException - if the output stream throws an IOException.
    • getIndexOIDLength

      public static int getIndexOIDLength(int[] value)
      Get the index OID length from a index OID raw value.
      value - the OID raw value (see OID.getValue().
      the length of the index.
    • decodeIndexOID

      public static int[] decodeIndexOID(org.snmp4j.asn1.BERInputStream is, org.snmp4j.asn1.BER.MutableByte type) throws IOException
      Decode a index OID from a BER input stream.
      is - the BERInputStream containing the OID.
      type - the object type read is returned here.
      the decoded OID.
      IOException - if the encoded is wrong.
    • beforePrepareMOChange

      public void beforePrepareMOChange( changeEvent)
      A ManagedObject change is being prepared. To cancel preparation set the deny reason to a SNMPv2/v3 error status.
      Specified by:
      beforePrepareMOChange in interface
      changeEvent - the change event object.
    • afterPrepareMOChange

      public void afterPrepareMOChange( changeEvent)
      A change has been prepared. Setting the deny reason of the supplied event object will be ignored.
      Specified by:
      afterPrepareMOChange in interface
      changeEvent - the change event object.
    • beforeMOChange

      public void beforeMOChange( changeEvent)
      A ManagedObject change is being committed. To cancel the commit phase set the deny reason to a SNMPv2/v3 error status.

      NOTE: Canceling the commit phase must be avoided. Setting a deny reason has only an effect if DeniableEventObject.isDeniable() returns true. Otherwise, you will need to throw an exception.

      Specified by:
      beforeMOChange in interface
      changeEvent - the change event object.
    • getPersistenceExceptionList

      public Map<org.snmp4j.smi.OID,Boolean> getPersistenceExceptionList()
      Gets the current exception list for keeping RandomAccessManagedObjects persistent regardless their RandomAccessManagedObject.isVolatile() value or not. A RandomAccessManagedObject is kept exceptionally persistent if its OID is key of the returned list and its value is true. If the value is false, the corresponding RandomAccessManagedObject will not be stored/restored even if it is non-volatile (i.e., RandomAccessManagedObject.isVolatile() returns false).
      the exception list. If null is returned, there are no exceptions defined/active (same effect as an empty exception list).
    • setPersistenceExceptionList

      public void setPersistenceExceptionList(Map<org.snmp4j.smi.OID,Boolean> persistenceExceptionList)
      Sets the current exception list for keeping RandomAccessManagedObjects persistent regardless their RandomAccessManagedObject.isVolatile() value or not. A RandomAccessManagedObject is kept exceptionally persistent if its OID is key of the provided list and its value is true. If the value is false, the corresponding RandomAccessManagedObject will not be stored/restored even if it is non-volatile (i.e., RandomAccessManagedObject.isVolatile() returns false). For RandomAccessManagedObjects with a rang eof OIDs, the lower bound of its MOScope has to be provided.
      persistenceExceptionList - the exception list. If null is provided, there are no exceptions defined/active (same effect as an empty exception list).
    • afterMOChange

      public void afterMOChange( changeEvent)
      A change has been committed. Setting the deny reason of the supplied event object will be ignored.
      Specified by:
      afterMOChange in interface
      changeEvent - the change event object.
    • getContexts

      protected Set<org.snmp4j.smi.OctetString> getContexts(org.snmp4j.agent.ManagedObject<?> managedObject)
      Get the contexts registered with all MOServer for the given ManagedObject.
      managedObject - the managed object.
      the set of registered contexts, see also MOServer.getRegisteredContexts(ManagedObject).