Alarm - Interface in com.agentpp.explorer.script.external
The Alarm interface provides methods to access monitor data from within an alarm script.
appendNullVariable(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.PDU
Appends a variable binding to the PDU with a Null value.
appendVariable(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.PDU
Appends a variable binding to the PDU.
asInteger(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Returns the Integer representation of the supplied number string.
asList(Object[]) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Converts the supplied object array to a List.
asList(int[]) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Converts the supplied integer array to a List.
asList(byte[]) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Converts the supplied byte array to a List.
asList(long[]) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Converts the supplied long array to a List.
asList(double[]) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Converts the supplied double array to a List.
asList(short[]) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Converts the supplied short array to a List.
asList(char[]) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Converts the supplied character array to a List.


clearOutput() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Clears the script's output buffer.
com.agentpp.explorer.script.external - package com.agentpp.explorer.script.external
createEmptyRequestPdu() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Sets the request PDU to an empty GET PDU with no variable bindings.
createVector() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Creates an empty Vector.


downloadFile(String, String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Downloads the file specified by the supplied URL to the given file name on the local system.
downloadString(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Downloads the content from the specified URL using the default character set in MIB Explorer's locale.
duplicate(PDU) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Returns a duplicate of the given PDU for the current target.


exec(List, List) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Executes the specified command arguments in a separate process with the specified environment.
exec(List) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Executes the specified command and arguments in a separate process.


get(int) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.TableRow
getAlarmSeverity() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Alarm
Gets the severity of the alarm.
getAlarmValue() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Alarm
Gets the result of the alarm's Value expression.
getCells() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.MonitorData
Returns the rows of a monitor data table.
getCharacter(int) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Gets the character with the specified unicode.
getColumnLabels() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.MonitorData
Returns the column labels as a List.
getColumns() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.TableRow
Returns the column instances of this row.
getCurrentTarget() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Returns the current target as a String.
getDefaultTarget() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Returns the target (currently) configured for MIB Explorer.
getErrorIndex() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Get the error index of the failed variable binding from the response PDU.
getErrorStatus() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Get the error status of the response PDU.
getErrorStatusText() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Get the response PDU's error status textual description.
getIndex() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.TableRow
Returns the index OID of the row.
getIndex() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.VariableBinding
Gets the index portion of the OID of this variable binding.
getIndexValues() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.TableRow
Returns the index objects building up the row's index.
getIndexValues() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.VariableBinding
Gets the index values as a Vector of Integer, Long, or String.
getLastMonitoredValue(int) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Alarm
Gets the value of the latest data point in the specified series.
getLastMonitoredValue() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Alarm
Gets the value of the latest data point in the series for which this alarm has been configured.
getModule(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.MIB
Gets the module with the given module name.
getModuleNamesInRepository() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.MIB
Gets the MIB module names of all MIBs in the current MIB repository.
getModules() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.MIB
Gets all currently loaded MIB modules.
getMonitorName() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Alarm
Gets the name of the monitor generating this alarm.
getNotificationID() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Notification
Gets the notification OID of the notification or trap the triggered the execution of this script.
getObjectID() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.VariableBinding
Returns the OID of the variable binding as an IObjectID.
getOid() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.VariableBinding
Gets the OID of the variable binding.
getPduDirectory() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Returns the directory where MIB Explorer has stored a PDU last.
getPeerAddress() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Notification
Gets the address of the peer that send the notification.
getPeerHostname() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Notification
Gets the hostname of the peer that send the notification.
getPeerPort() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Notification
Gets the port portion of the notification's peer address.
getRequestPdu() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Returns the current request PDU.
getRequestVariable(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Gets the variable binding of the current request PDU whose OID matches the OID given.
getResponsePdu() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Get the response PDU of the last request.
getScriptName() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Gets the name of the script.
getSeverity() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Notification
Gets the severity/priority assigned for the notfification OID of this notification.
getSnmpVersion() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Gets the SNMP version of the current target.
getStatus() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.TableRow
Returns the (error) status of this row.
getSubPDU(int, int) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.PDU
Gets a new PDU object from this one with a subset of its variable bindings.
getSyntax() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.VariableBinding
Gets the syntax of the variable.
getTable(List, String, String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Gets synchronously SNMP tabular data from one or more tables.
getTable(List, String, String, int) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Gets synchronously SNMP tabular data from one or more tables.
getTargets() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Gets all targets configured for MIB Explorer.
getValue() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.VariableBinding
Gets a String representation of the value.
getVariable() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.VariableBinding
Returns the value as a SNMP4J Variable instance.
getVariableByOid(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.PDU
Gets the first VariableBinding instance of the PDU whose OID matches the given OID.
getVariables() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.PDU
Gets the variable bindings of the PDU.
GUI - Interface in com.agentpp.explorer.script.external
This interface describes methods for the "gui" context of the MIB Explorer script API.


isRaised() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Alarm
Returns whether this alarm is raised or cleared.
isStopped() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.LoopCondition
Checks if the loop is stopped.
isTarget(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Checks whether a String represents a target.
isTransient() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Alarm
Returns whether this alarm is transient.


loadModule(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.MIB
Loads a MIB module from the MIB repository of MIB Explorer unless the module is already loaded.
LoopCondition - Interface in com.agentpp.explorer.script.external
The LoopCondition interface provides a pseudo Collection that returns increasing numbers through the collection's iterator(s) until it is stopped.
loopCondition() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Creates a loop condition which can be used in a VTL #foreach statement to control loop termination by a boolean expression.


makeOID(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.MIB
Makes a new IObjectID instance from an OID String.
MIB - Interface in com.agentpp.explorer.script.external
This interface provides methods for accessing MIB module information via the "mib" context of the MIB Explorer script API.
MonitorData - Interface in com.agentpp.explorer.script.external
The MonitorData interface provides access to the data of a monitor.


Notification - Interface in com.agentpp.explorer.script.external
The Notification provides methods to access notification/trap information when a MIB Explorer script is executed triggered by a received notification, inform or trap.


PDU - Interface in com.agentpp.explorer.script.external
A protocol data unit (PDU) is the basic unit of information exchange between two SNMP protocol entities.
promptForVariable(VariableBinding) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.GUI
Prompts for the value of a given variable binding with a modal dialog.
promptString(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.GUI
Prompts the user for a String with a modal input dialog.


rand(int) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value between 0 (inclusive) and the specified value (exclusive), drawn from this random number generator's sequence.


saveOutput(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Saves the content of the current script's output buffer to the supplied file.
saveToFile(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.PDU
Saves this PDU instance as a file under the specified name.
selectModules(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.GUI
Prompts for a list of MIB modules from the repository.
send() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Send the current request PDU.
sendEmail(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Sends a text email to a given list of receipiens using authenticated SMTP.
sendEmail(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Sends a text email to a given list of receipiens using unauthenticated SMTP.
setCurrentTarget(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Sets the target to be used for subsequent SNMP operations.
setCurrentTargetsAddress(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Sets the target UDP address of the current target which is represented as "a.b.c.d:port" or "a.b.c.d/port".
setCurrentTargetToAlarmTarget() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Alarm
Sets the scripts current target to the target specified for the alarm.
setCurrentTargetToSource() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Alarm
Sets the scripts current target to the target from which the series data is being collected.
setIndex(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.VariableBinding
Sets the index index portion of the OID of this variable binding
setIndexValues(Vector) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.VariableBinding
Sets the index for this columnar object by a given Vector of values.
setLoopCondition(boolean) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.LoopCondition
Sets the loop condition.
setMaxRepetitions(int) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.PDU
Sets the number of maximum repetitions for GETBULK requests.
setNonRepeaters(int) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.PDU
Sets the number of non repeaters of GETBULK requests.
setOid(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.VariableBinding
Sets the OID of the variable binding.
setPduDirectory(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Sets the directory to search for PDUs.
setRequestPdu(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Sets the PDU to be used for subsequent requests by giving the file name of a MIB Explorer PDU file.
setRequestPdu(PDU) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Sets the PDU to be used for subsequent requests.
setRequestType(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Snmp
Set the request type of the current request PDU.
setValue(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.VariableBinding
Sets the value of the variable binding by providing a String representation of that value.
showErrorMessage(String, String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.GUI
Displays an error message.
showWarningMessage(String, String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.GUI
Displays a warning message.
sleep(int) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Causes the currently executing script to sleep (temporarily cease execution) for the specified number of milliseconds.
Snmp - Interface in com.agentpp.explorer.script.external
This interface describes the methods available in the "snmp" context of the MIB Explorer scripting programming interface.
STATUS_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.TableRow
STATUS_OK - Static variable in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.TableRow
STATUS_REPORT - Static variable in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.TableRow
STATUS_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.TableRow
STATUS_WRONG_ORDER - Static variable in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.TableRow
stop() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.LoopCondition
Stops the loop which has the same effect as calling LoopCondition.setLoopCondition(boolean) to false.
stop() - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Stop the execution of the script.


TableRow - Interface in com.agentpp.explorer.script.external
A TableRow instance represents a row of a SNMP table.
toStringArray(List) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.Utils
Converts a List (i.e.
trimOID(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.MIB
Trims the given OID by one subidentifier and returns the resulting OID.


unloadModule(String) - Method in interface com.agentpp.explorer.script.external.MIB
Unload the given MIB module.
Utils - Interface in com.agentpp.explorer.script.external
This interface describes the methods available in the "utils" context of the MIB Explorer scripting programming interface.


VariableBinding - Interface in com.agentpp.explorer.script.external
The VariableBinding interface represents an association between an SNMP OID (object identifier) and its associated value.

Copyright 2003-2011, Frank Fock, All Rights Reserved. http://www.mibexplorer.com