Module org.snmp4j

Package org.snmp4j.smi

package org.snmp4j.smi
Provides classes for the representation of SMIv1/v2 data types (which also includes some basic ASN.1 primitive data types).

The org.snmp4j.smi classes are capable of BER encoding and decoding themselves to/from a byte stream. In addition, the SMI data type classes provide convenient functions for manipulating their content.

The VariantVariable is a special class that can be used in command responder applications to intercept access to a SMI value.

Variable Binding Examples

import org.snmp4j.smi.*;
VariableBinding vb = new VariableBinding(new OID(""));
vb.setValue(new OctetString("SNMP4J Text"));
vb = new VariableBinding();
vb.setOid(new OID(new int[] { 1,3,6,1,2,1,1,2,0 }));
vb = new VariableBinding(vb.getOid(), new IpAddress(""));
vb = new VariableBinding(vb.getOid(), new Gauge32(2^32-1));
int syntax = vb.getSyntax();
if (syntax != SMIConstants.SYNTAX_GAUGE32) {
  // never reached
else {
  long value = ((UnsignedInteger32)vb.getValue()).getValue();
  System.out.println(vb.getOid() + " = " + value);
  // prints: = 4294967295

The following UML class diagram shows the most important classes of the org.snmp4j.smi package and their relationships (relationships to other packages are not shown):

UML Class Diagram for SMI package
  • Class
    The Variable abstract class is the base class for all SNMP variables.
    The Address interface serves as a base class for all SNMP transport addresses.
    The AssignableFromByteArray interface describes objects whose value can be set from a byte array and converted back to a byte array.
    The AssignableFromIntArray interface describes objects whose value can be set from an int array and converted back to an int array.
    The BitString class represents the obsolete SMI type BIT STRING which has been defined in RFC 1442 (an SNMPv2 draft) but which has been obsoleteted by RFC 1902 and RFC 2578.
    The Counter32 class allows all the functionality of unsigned integers but is recognized as a distinct SMI type, which is used for monotonically increasing values that wrap around at 2^32-1 (4294967295).
    The Counter64 class represents a 64bit unsigned integer type.
    The TlsAddress represents a TLS transport addresses as defined by RFC 5953 SnmpTSLAddress textual convention.
    The Gauge32 class is indistinguishable from UnsignedInteger32.
    The GenericAddress implements the decorator and factory design pattern to provide a generic address type.
    The Integer32 represents 32bit signed integer values for SNMP.
    The IpAddress class represents an IPv4 address SNMP variable.
    The MaxAccess enumerates the MAX-ACCESS values of SMIv2 and the deprecated MaxAccess.writeOnly of SMIv1.
    The Null class represents SMI Null and the derived SMIv2 exception syntaxes.
    The OctetString class represents the SMI type OCTET STRING.
    The Object Identifier Class.
    The Opaque class represents the SMI type Opaque which is used to transparently exchange BER encoded values.
    This abstract class helps to implement a VariantVariableCallback for a read-only Variable.
    A SMIAddress is an address that is defined by the Structure of Management Information (SMI) and can be thereby serialized through the Basic Encoding Rules (BER) used by the SNMP protocol.
    The SMIConstants defines the tag values for SMI syntax types.
    The SubIndexInfo interface represents the meta information of a SMI INDEX clause element (= sub-index) which are relevant for converting an OID index value to an INDEX object and vice versa.
    The SubIndexInfoImpl class represents the meta information of a SMI INDEX clause element (= sub-index) which are relevant for converting an OID index value to an INDEX object and vice versa.
    The TcpAddress represents TCP/IP transport addresses.
    The TimeTicks class represents the time in 1/100 seconds since some epoch (which should be have been defined in the corresponding MIB specification).
    The TlsAddress represents a TLS transport addresses as defined by RFC 5953 SnmpTSLAddress textual convention.
    The TransportIpAddress is the abstract base class for all transport addresses on top of IP network addresses.
    The UdpAddress represents UDP/IP transport addresses.
    UnsignedInteger32 type is an SNMP type that represents unsigned 32bit integer values (0 to 4294967295).
    The Variable interface defines common attributes of all SNMP variables.
    A VariableBinding is an association of a object instance identifier (OID) and the instance's value (Variable).
    The VariantVariable provides a decorator for any type of Variable instance, to be able to intercept or monitor variable value modification by using a VariantVariableCallback.
    The VariantVariableCallback can be implemented by objects that want to intercept/monitor reading and writing of a VariantVariable's value.