Module org.snmp4j

Package org.snmp4j.util

package org.snmp4j.util
Contains table retrieval utilities and multi-threading support classes as well as miscellaneous utility classes.

The org.snmp4j.util contains the following groups of classes:

  • Classes for SNMP table retrieval. The class TableUtils can be used to asynchronously retrieve table data efficiently row by row.
  • Classes for support of multi-threaded message dispatching. The class MultiThreadedMessageDispatcher implements the MessageDispatcher interface and uses the MessageDispatcherImpl class to dispatch incoming message using the threads of a ThreadPool.

The following UML class diagram shows the classes of the org.snmp4j.util package and their relationships (relationships to other packages are not shown):

UML Class Diagram for Transport protocol package
  • Class
    The AbstractSnmpUtility is an abstract base class for convenience utility classes to retrieve SNMP data.
    The ArgumentParser parsers a command line array into Java objects and associates each object with the corresponding command line option according to predefined schemes for options and parameters.
    This CommonTimer defines the subset interface used from Timer by SNMP4J.
    The DefaultPDUFactory is a default implementation of the PDUFactory interface.
    The DefaultThreadFactory creates WorkerTask instances that allow concurrent execution of tasks.
    This DefaultTimerFactory creates a new Timer which is configured to run as daemon.
    The DictionaryOIDTextFormat provides a simple OID formatter based on a dictionary of object name to object identifier mappings.
    The EnumerationIterator provides an iterator from an Enumeration.
    The MultiThreadedMessageDispatcher class is a decorator for any MessageDispatcher instances that processes incoming message with a supplied ThreadPool.
    The OIDTextFormat provides a textual representation of a raw object ID.
    PDUFactory defines the interface for PDU factories.
    The RetrievalEvent is an abstract class representing the result of one or more GET/GETNEXT/GETBULK requests.
    The SchedulerTask extends the Runnable interface by methods that are needed for recurrent execution of a task.
    The SimpleOIDTextFormat implements a simple textual representation for object IDs as dotted string.
    The SimpleVariableTextFormat implements a simple textual representation for SNMP variables based on their type only.
    The SnmpConfigurator class configures a Snmp instance with settings taken from a Map conforming to the format returned by ArgumentParser.parse(String[] args).
    The TableEvent class reports events in a table retrieval operation.
    The TableListener interface is implemented by objects listening for table events.
    The TableUtils class provides utility functions to retrieve SNMP tabular data.
    The TaskScheduler uses a ThreadPool to recurrent execute SchedulerTasks.
    The ThreadFactory describes a factory for threads of execution modeled as WorkerTasks.
    The ThreadPool provides a pool of a fixed number of threads that are capable to execute tasks that implement the Runnable interface concurrently.
    The TimerFactory describes a factory for CommonTimer instances.
    The TreeEvent class reports events in a tree retrieval operation.
    The TreeListener interface is implemented by objects listening for tree events.
    The VariableTextFormat provides a textual representation of SNMP Variables, in dependence of their associated (instance) OID.
    The WorkerPool interface models an abstract pool of workers (threads) which can execute WorkerTasks concurrently.
    This models a WorkerTask instance that would be executed by a WorkerPool upon submission.